Sustainability reporting: from the farm to the factory to the artisan workshop

Sustainability reporting: from the farm to the factory to the artisan workshop



This panel includes representatives from three sectors of the cocoa > chocolate chain: a cocoa producer from Ecuador, a cocoa processor/chocolate maker in Colombia, and a confectioner in the UK.

Each of the panelists is both a supplier (i.e., they have customers) and each of them buys products and services from vendors (i.e., they are customers). Each has responsibilities – implied and regulatory – to their customers about the information they provide about the products they sell. The discussion will examine how the panelists view the ESG reporting responsibilities as a part of the chain, not from an EU regulatory perspective.

Key Learning Points

  1. The role that having simple, clear definitions for key concepts including ethics and sustainability plays in developing customer confidence.
  2. Understanding the web of mutual reporting responsibilities.
  3. Language to avoid.
  4. What customers want – and don’t.

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