Responsibly reporting on heavy metals in chocolate

Responsibly reporting on heavy metals in chocolate



In December, the American consumer publication, Consumer Reports, published an article entitled, “Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate.” This article went doubly viral as it inspired many reports that also went viral. And in the intervening month at least four lawsuits have been filed in US Federal Court against major global chocolate brands and at least one retailer.

This session will brief viewers on what they need to know to respond responsibly to any customer and media inquiries directed at them about cadmium and lead in chocolate. There are also questions about supply chain liability that will be discussed – what manufacturers, especially smaller manufacturers, can do to protect themselves from the threat of legal action.

Key Learning Points

  1. Recent press reporting has sensationalized the topic, unnecessarily spreading fear.
  2. Some consumers are confused and scared.
  3. What are the real risks?
  4. Are the real risks as bad as the reports say?
  5. How should those risks be communicated responsibly?

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