Microingredient station

Microingredient station

Microingredient station
Microingredient station
Microingredient station
Microingredient station
Microingredient station


Trimix systems consist of modular and extendible hermetic units for the automatic metering of powdered and granular minor ingredients, able to handle challenging materials such as milk powder, cocoa powder, salt and others. Trimix system meets your needs for high precision and reliability for both volumetric and by weight dosages. Completely hygienic thanks to the the dust exhausting system acting directly during the discharge of each unit, which prevents powder leakage in the surrounding environment, and the pneumatic transport removing leftovers within the storing units or scale during the dosage towards the lines system. It’s suitable for the production of confectionery such as snacks, cookies, pastries, cakes, chocolate, candies, drinks, as well as bakery such as bread, pizza, short and long pasta. Scale can be mobile or fixed: the TME model with fixed scale allows ultra-fast discharge and more batches with exceptionally accurate metering, ideal for high production volumes.

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