Dosing station

Dosing station

Dosing station
Dosing station
Dosing station
Dosing station
Dosing station


Systems for the automated weighing and metering of powders and liquids at the end of the line, through modular hoppers for powders and tanks for liquids controlled by electronic metering scale for the weighing. Metering can be continuous or batch, positive, by loss of weight, by volume or by weight. All dosing systems are fully customized with site evaluation, analysis of raw materials, environment and consumption. All machinery is compliant with ATEX legislation, designed to match the needs of the ingredients they handle and built in appropriate materials. The dosing process is coordinated by an integrated automation system including touch panel managing the production process (recipe management, production, product and hopper parametrization) and CEPI TRACKING SYSTEM software for full traceability with digitalization through barcode of the movements of all ingredients. CEPI TRACKING SISTEM includes recipe, ingredient and warehouse managers, and analysis of production history.

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