The 5 Roll Refiner

The 5 Roll Refiner



Royal Duyvis Wiener is introducing the 5 Roll Refiner. This machine combines traditional chocolate processing with smart engineering solutions. It has universal roll management, allowing you to use rolls and gears from different brands with the same level of support from Royal Duyvis Wiener. The 5 Roll Refiner follows the 3S Philosophy of Royal Duyvis Wiener, focusing on Safety, Sustainability, and Service. It comes with 24/7 technical support via a hotline to minimize downtime. The machine features a transparent design for safe process monitoring. The 5 Roll Refiner excels in performance, offering excellent pre-refining and preparation for fine-grinding in chocolate processing. It provides precise control over temperature, gap pressure, and roller speed, enabling fine refining as low as 12 µm. Along with the 5 Roll Refiner, a universal roll exchange set is launched. This set is compatible with all main brand 5-Roll Refiners and includes crowned refiner rolls, gears, bearings, and rings. It reduces downtime during roll changes and offers 24/7 technical support via the hotline.

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