Designer Contracts
As the UK’s largest Flooring Contractor and Showhome and Design Services supplier, our supply and installation to the major house builders across the UK is keeping us very busy and we’re working hard to keep up with the demand and changes that the industry is seeing.
We pride ourselves on providing the best advice to make sure housebuilders are provided with the right solution to meet their needs and we are frequently asked by developers large and small for input to help maximise their housebuyers’ satisfaction.
Selecting the right type of floor covering can be more complicated than just choosing the one that looks the best. There are other factors to consider especially when it comes to new build properties, moisture, durability and impact sound being some of them. There are several flooring options that can overcome some of the considerations that need to be made for certain developments and Designer Contracts are here to help you specify the right solution for you.
As well as floor coverings we also offer blinds & curtains, furniture & lighting and have an in-house Showhome and Design Team who have have many years’ experience developing design solutions.
Designer Contracts Showhome and Design team works with leading national and regional builders and developers across the UK. The hallmark of their showhome and design service is meticulous attention to detail. They blend creativity, expertise and exceptional service with a professional, commercially focused attitude to deliver consistently successful projects on time and on budget.
As awareness of environmental considerations increases, demand for sustainable products is growing all the time and new and innovative flooring products are emerging. Our Design Team also have experience designing with sustainability in mind.
Get in touch with us to discuss how we can make a difference to your requirements.